6 Fingerlings - Interactive Baby Monkey - Friend Them All!

6 fingerlings

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All 6 are brand new in packages: Bella: pink with yellow hair Mia: purple with white hair Finn: black with blue hair Boris: blue with brown hair Sophie: white with pink hair Zoe: turquoise with purple hair 40+ ways to play These interactive pets love to hang onto your finger, blink their eyes, turn their heads, blow kisses, swing by their tails and talk in monkey babble!

  • Fingerlings respond to sound, motion and touch with blinking eyes, head turns and silly monkey babble.
  • Blow them kisses and they will kiss you back
  • Blow them kisses and they will kiss you back!
  • Pet them to sleep or make a loud noise and watch them get excited!

6 fingerlings

Buy this 6 fingerlings now before it sold out.This 6 Fingerlings - Interactive Baby Monkey - Friend Them All! are a popular 6 fingerlings that you must have.


